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How to create an Amazon affiliate account? Step by Step tutorial

What is the Amazon Affiliate Program?

Amazon Affiliate Program is an affiliate marketing program. It’s free for website owners and bloggers to happen Amazon Associates.
The Amazon Associates program allows you to earn revenue by linking to Amazon products on your personal website.
Every time someone clicks on a link from your website and purchases a product, Amazon will pay you a small commission.
With a few quick tips, you can easily apply to become an Amazon Associate so you can start earning from your personal website.

How to create an Amazon affiliate account? Amazon affiliate

1st step
Visit the Amazon Affiliate Program website to create an account.

Click the link and click “Join Now for Free” in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
If you are already an Amazon customer entering your email address and password, sign in to your existing Amazon account.
Click “Sign in using secure server” at the time you are finished.

The second step

Click “I’m a replacement customer” to make a replacement Amazon account.
Enter your account, email address, and choose a password to create a new account.
Click “Sign in using secure server” after filling in the requested information.
If you are logging in to an existing account, check that the address and contact information listed is correct for you.
Click “Select a replacement address” to form any necessary changes.

Third step

Indicate the main contact for the account. Select the first bubble labeled “Payable Watch” listed above to indicate that you are set up the account for yourself.
If you found out an account as a representative of a corporation, select the second bubble labeled “Someone else’s …”
Click “Next: Your Website Profile” to finish setting up your Partners account.

Set Your Website Profile

If you haven’t set up an account for yourself, you need to enter the organization’s contact information.
List the websites and mobile apps you plan to use as partners.
Make a list of all the websites and mobile apps that you plan to display on Amazon Associate Links, Banners and Ads.
You must list a minimum of one website or mobile app. You can list the maximum number of websites or applications 50.
Be sure to list your website or mobile applications in URL format.

Answer questions on traffic and content to finish your profile.
Describe your website in the maximum amount of detail as possible to urge a far better chance of being accepted as an Amazon Partner.
Follow the prompts to indicate what kind of website your website is, it’s content and how you drive traffic to your site
If your website doesn’t have at least 50% original content, Amazon will reject your application, so make sure you provide readers with unique information.
Indicate what types of products are featured on your website.
Consider focusing on high-value items that naturally feed on the featured topics of your blog.
For example, if you write a blog about the kitchen you can list kitchen appliances.
Wait for a call to verify your identity.
List your telephone number then await an automatic call.
You will be given a PIN number that you enter in the field provided to verify your identity
Read and agree to the terms of the agreement, then click “Termination” Once you have read the agreement, check the box to indicate that you agree to the terms stated.
Click “Finish” to finish your application.
Consider printing or downloading a contract agreement so you can refer to it later.

What to do after the application submitted?

Remember your affiliate ID number and wait for the approval.
After completing your application, enter the ID number of the unique Associate that was created for you.
Amazon will contact you within 1 to 3 business days to find out if your Partners account has been approved.
Don’t lose your Associate’s ID number, as you may occasionally need to verify your account.
Study tips on how to start earning money in your Partners account.
Check out the tips listed below where you’re Partner ID appears.
This will give you an idea of how to start building links to Amazon products on your personal website or mobile app
Consider how to select products that can be easily integrated with the content on your website to generate increased product interest.
Skim on the Associate’s central page and add a link to your website.
Browse the Associate’s central page to find interesting products to link to your website.
You will be allowed to add links as you submit your application.
Keep in mind that you won’t be paid for any purchases through your links until your account is approved.
Consider sharing product links on social media.
Look for products that your friends and family like to share on social media, making sure your affiliate product is on the link.
That way, you can earn some extra money on everything that’s sold on Amazon’s main page.
To easily share a product link on Twitter, first break the link down with a service like
Once your application has been received, choose how you would like to be paid.
Visit your affiliate’s profile to indicate whether you would like to receive a direct deposit, check, or Amazon gift card as payment for any sale.
Add different types of product links and ads to your website to keep earning revenue
Explore the different advertising options available through the Associate’s center page.
Improve your plan and resubmit an application if you’re rejected.
Study your notice to understand exactly why Associates rejected your application in the Associate’s program.
They will usually list a number of specific reasons that can help you make the necessary corrections before resubmitting the application.
If your website doesn’t have enough original content, consider reconsidering the topic of your blog.
Choose something you can write about and are very familiar with.
If your website doesn’t generate enough traffic for the Associate’s program, research and apply strategies to drive more traffic to your website.