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Weeman: Best Tool For Creating Phishing Pages

Phishing Pages Today’s tutorial is related to a tool called Weeman. I found this tool while searching for some other tools and I found this very useful.

What is Phishing ?

Phishing is the fraudulent attempt to obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details by disguising oneself as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication. Phishing Pages Phishing Pages

What is Weeman ?

Weeman is HTTP server written in python for creating phishing pages.

How Weeman Works ? 

Create fake html page.
Wait for clients
Grab the data (POST). Phishing Pages
Try to login the client to the original page

Things we need

Any Linux operating system with Python 2.7 installed. In my case I am using Kali Linux 2.
Internet Connection. Phishing Pages

Follow the given tutorial

1. First we will download the Weeman tool, for this open your terminal and  type the following commands

git clone

2. Now change the directory to download weeman directory.

cd weeman

3. Open weeman using following command.


[Image: p1.png]

4. Now type the following commands to create the phishing page of the website.

set url
set port 8080
set action_url

here you can change to any other site which you want to clone.

[Image: p2.png]

5. Now send the your ipaddress as a link to your victim.


You can also use your public ip to make it work on WAN or internet but you have to port forward your router.

1. Make sure net is connected.
2. Python must be installed.


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